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学名:Xiphidiopsis howardi
A medium-sized species of average build and greenish coloration.Depth of head greater than the breadth by one-third;face slightly broader than deep.Eyes large,subglobular and almost circular inoutline,separated by a breadth about 1 and 1/3rd the vertical diameterof an eye.Fastigium small and narrow,projecting only slightly forwardand with a median dorsal crease not quite extending to the apex andwhich gives the impression that the fastigium was formed by lateral com-pression of two contiguous parts.Foveolae of the antennae separated bya space less than the dorsal breadth of the fastigium.Pronotum long andnarrow,the metazona only a shade broader than the prozona;posteriormargin broadly elliptical.Dorsum of the pronotum rounding smoothlyinto the lateral lobes which are about as broad as deep;their depth aboutthat of the metazonal breadth.Tegmen long and narrow with roundedapex which surpasses the knees of the caudal femora by 6 mms.Apex ofthe wings exceeding the apices of the tegmina by 1,5 mms. Leg spination as follows:fore legs with femora unarmed;fore tibiaewith five external spines of which the apical is smallest and four longer in-ternal spines of which the three basal are largest and of uniform size.Middle legs with femora unarmed;mesotibiae with six outer(apical twominute) and 5 inner ventral spines of which the apical 2 are minute.Theouter spines are longest when the middle leg is mounted in a backwardposition,although in life when feeding on small leaf insects,the middlelegs are undoubtedly held forward like the fore legs.Right hind leg miss-ing;left caudal femur with lower keels unarmed.Caudal tibiae with 28external,dorsal,piceous teeth plus a large apical tooth and 29 internaldorsal teeth plus a longer apical one.Ventral keels(in folded leg theseare uppermost)with ten widely spaced,semiappressed external spines andfour internal apical ones. Genitalia:posterior margin of the distal abdominal tergite straight witha minute pair of widely spaced pointed furculae.Cerci heavily built,scythe-shaped in dorsal outline with strongly inbent falcate arms,theirapices opposing,across a short space,the small proximal buttresses.Thebuttresses and falcate tip enclose an almost circular space.In lateral viewthe proximal portions of the cerci form a large lobular swelling bearing along,heavy,interno-ventrally directed spur.Subgenital plate small,con-vex,semicircular in the basal portions with a thin caudally extended platebearing two minute apical styli. Coloration:uniformly foliage green in life;the preserved coloration re-taining well the natural living colors.Dorsum of the pronotum laterallymarked by a heavy dark brown stripe slightly convergent in the anteriorthird and also convergent posterioradly along the posterior margin of thepronotum.No other markings are present. This species is named in honor of Dr.C.W.Howard who in1921 was on the staff of Canton Christian College which laterbecame Lingnan University.Maan Chi Shan is a high moun-tain(for South China)of 4000 to 5000 feet elevation situated